The projects consist of providing tools and knowledge to promote the substitution of hazardous chemicals in the Catalan textile industry so that they can incorporate environmental criteria in the manufacture of its products, through an in-depth study of the current situation in Catalonia. Furthermore, communication and training seminars will be organized for the companies in the sector.

Finally, with all different lessons learned and together with the results of previous projects coordinated by AEI Tèxtils, such as MIDWOR-LIFE and LIFE-FLAREX, a sectoral guide will be produced for the companies. This guide will facilitate the substitution process of hazardous chemical products to more sustainable alternatives in the field of textile finishing.


In the framework of SUSTEX project, the following actions will be implemented:

Actions 1: Needs study through interviews with textile finishing companies and chemical producers

Initial diagnosis to find out the typology and the quantity of products manufactured by the Catalan advanced textiles’ companies that use substances of high concern in the finishing processes listed in Annexes XIV (authorization) or XVII (restriction) of REACH regulations.

Action 2: Workshops and thematic sessions with textile finishing companies and chemical producers

Workshops with companies in the advanced textiles’ sector, focused on functional fabrics manufacturers, finishers and manufacturers/distributors of chemical products for the textile finishing industry.

These workshops aim at raising awareness of substitution in order to improve the recyclability of the products and to prevent the release into the environment of potentially contaminated and highly persistent substances.

Action 3: Elaboration of a guide to promote the substitution of hazardous chemicals in the textile finishing industry

The results of the project will be summarized in a guide that will be a reference tool for companies in the advanced textiles’ sector (at all stages of the manufacturing value chain) which have an interest in substituting current textile finishing chemicals for more sustainable alternatives.

Action 4: Dissemination of results and communication of identified success cases

The results of the project will be disseminated to all the textile sector being an example for other companies that want to apply environmental criteria to their products to reduce the use of hazardous chemicals, and thus encourage the transition to a circular economy.

SUSTEX is co-funded by: 

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