Who we are
What is Tèxtils.CAT?
Tèxtils.CAT is a cluster, structured as a non-profit association, which aims to bring together all Catalan companies and entities directly or indirectly linked to the sector of advanced textile materials, making up a specialized production pole with competitive advantages.
What are advanced textile materials
Advanced textile materials are materials that meet high technical-qualitative requirements (mechanical performance, thermal performance, durability, etc.), giving them the ability to adapt to a specific function and to their environment, whether in the traditional clothing or household sectors, or specifically in any of the markets that the sector comprises:
The cluster strategy (2021 – 2024)
To foster innovation to improve the competitiveness of our associated members in a closer and more personalized
manner by promoting strategic collaborations.
To position the Catalan sector of advanced textile materials at the forefront of European Innovation, facilitating innovative
practices that boost its competitiveness,
projection and international visibility.
Strategic Objectives
1. Promote and follow-up the companies in the sector in the process of innovation, encouraging the green transition and digital transformation.
2. Strengthen the cluster’s internal and external links with the European advanced textile materials sector.
3. Technological and transversal training of cluster members.
4. To increase the visibility of the members at international level and to promote activities to favor their internationalization.
Strategic lines
INNOVATION: Promote technological innovation and new business models as a driver of growth and competitiveness of SMEs in the sector. Promote cooperation among partners and with other innovative systems.
INTERNATIONALIZATION: Promote the internationalization of the cluster’s innovative SMEs, facilitating their access to international markets and global value chains through the establishment of technological and commercial partnerships.
SKILLS: Accelerate strategic and technological capabilities and attract talent to drive innovation and resilient growth in the sector.
BUSINESS DEVELOPMENT: Position the Catalan sector at the forefront of innovation, increasing the visibility of partners and boosting the high added value of their products at a global level through strategic communication.
NETWORKING: Connect the cluster and its associated members, strengthen internal links and strategic alliances with relevant national and international stakeholders.
MULTISECTORAL: Create business opportunities and cross-sectoral innovation, promoting transversal cooperation to develop novel applications and markets.
SUSTAINABILITY: Be the catalyst towards the green transition of the sector through innovation, internationalization, skills and business development.
DIGITALIZATION: Enhance the digital transformation of the sector through innovation, internationalization, skills and business development.
What is a cluster
Clusters are geographic concentrations of interconnected companies and institutions in a particular field. Clusters encompass an array of linked industries and other entities important to competition.
👤 Michael Porter. The Competitive Advantage of Nations. 1990
Clusters promote the creation and maturation of new ideas in networks of cooperating companies and institutions. They also lower the barriers to transform new ideas into real business opportunities and to harvest the benefits of globalization.
They allow SMEs to take advantage of the new opportunities that arise in the global economy, being a key driver in the attraction of capital, people and knowledge.