The promoters of the project are the technical textiles’ cluster of Catalonia (AEI Tèxtils) and the technological center LEITAT.
AEI TÈXTILS is a non-profit association, which has the aim to join all Catalan companies and organizations related directly or indirectly to the technical textiles sector and which form a specialized productive area with competitive advantages.
As a cluster of advanced textiles/technical textiles, AEI Tèxtils has an extensive experience in the sector as well as in circular economy applied to it.
The cluster has participated in several projects applying the different concepts of circular economy both in Europe, coordinating the LIFE-FLAREX and MIDWOR-LIFE projects co-funded by LIFE program; and at Catalan level, with co-funded projects by the Waste Agency of Catalonia: Ecodistex and PACTEX.
The cluster’s commitment to sustainability is clear and unambiguous. It is also demonstrated by the organisation of different seminars and workshops focused on sustainability, in collaboration with the most important players in the sector, both industrial and public.
LEITAT is a Technological Center whose mission is to collaborate with companies and other entities to create economic, social and sustainable value, through R&D projects and technological processes from innovation and creativity.
LEITAT has participated in the four projects led by AEI Tèxtils: MIDWOR-LIFE, LIFE-FLAREX, PACTEX and ECODISTEX. It has also been involved in several other projects and initiatives related to the promotion of circular economy, such as the review of the ECOLABEL textile criteria with the Joint Research Centre (JRC) from the European Commission or the initiative led by EURATEX “Cross Industry Agreement Iniciative” (CIA) for the harmonization of a common European protocol to identify and quantify microfibers released during the washing processes.
In the CIRCULARTECH project, the Circular Economy Unit – Sustainability Division is participating. They have experience in the execution of sustainable production projects, application of eco-design and Life Cycle Analysis, environmental awareness and training, eco-labelling and environmental communication. Other Units with expertise in technological improvement in the textile sector are also participating in the project.