
We started GALACTICA and TEXGLOBAL: two new strategic projects for the cluster


Last week, AEI Tèxtils started two new strategic projects for the cluster that will benefit its members, the manufacturing companies of the advanced textiles’ sector.

The project GALACTICA – Smart Industrial innovation as enabler to drive new value chains for textiles and aerospace, coordinated by the cluster, is funded by the Horizon 2020 program from the European Commission under the Innosup-01 call. It started with its kick off meeting held virtually on September 28th and 29th 2020.

GALACTICA aims to support the creation of new industrial value chains around textile and aerospace based on advanced manufacturing. The project will facilitate the uptake of Industrial Intelligent Systems and Industrial Internet of Things as part of the strategic innovation vectors for the textile and aerospace industries. The project will run until February 2023.

The second strategic project, coordinated by NTT, is TEXGLOBAL – European Innovative Textiles Go International: Innovative Global Value Chain Creation And Textile Global Markets Exploration, which aims at supporting the growth, the competitiveness and industrial modernization of European Textile companies by facilitating internationalization and innovation activities. The project is funded by the COSME program of the European Commission under the Cluster Go International call and started with its kick off meeting held virtually on September 30th.

Both GALACTICA and TEXGLOBAL projects are aligned with the CLAMTEX project led by AEI TÈXTILS, which started earlier this year on February 2020.

This third project completes the strategic framework of the cluster to support advanced textiles’ manufacturing companies in Catalonia. The three projects tackle the different strategic needs from the companies in the sector: innovation support (GALACTICA), internationalization (TEXGLOBAL) and strategy (CLAMTEX).

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