
Successful start of the CLAMTEX Virtual Marketplace


More than 140 participants have already registered to the CLAMTEX Virtual Marketplace: Towards industry 4.0 in the textile industry which started last Wednesday with the first webinar.

The event is organized by the European Cluster Strategic Partnership for Excellence, CLAMTEX – Cluster management towards excellence in Advanced Manufacturing and Textile Industry. The webinar was the first of a series of 6 interactive virtual workshops to promote the uptake of Industry 4.0 in the textile sector.

The first webinar included an overview of the CLAMTEX project by Josep Casamada from AEI TÈXTILSS as project coordinator, the overall program overview by Maria João Samudio from PRODUTECH and the welcome from the host of the virtual ClusterXchange, Felipe Carrasco as chairman of EU-TEXTILE2030 EEIG.

The second part of the webinar featured a debate moderated by João Nuno Oliveira from CITEVE, with inspirational talks on the future of manufacturing,  the digital microfactory and digital transformation. Speakers were:

Lastly, the session ended with a presentation from synergies with other projects featuring the 1st GALACTICA hackathon and the TEX4IM project and support services towards textile companies. In case you missed it, you can watch the webinar again here:

Next week webinar will focus on digital solutions for integrated industrial management applied in the textile industry. Firstly, the Valencian textile company MLS 1992 will present a success story in implementing a digital solution in their manufacturing. Then 3 textile companies, will present their needs on this topic followed by potential solutions from advanced manufacturing companies. In addition, there will be the second B2B session for participants to meet companies through the B2Match platform.

The following weeks, the Marketplace will continue with the webinars on “Automation and sensitization solutions for performance improvement” (Feb 3rd), “Robots in industry” (Feb 10th) and “The potential of virtual reality in industry” (Feb 17th).

Lastly, the Virtual Marketplace series will conclude on February 24th with presentations of funding with featured talks from the European Commission about Horizon Europe, Single Market Program and EIC; the EIT ManufacturingGALACTICA and ELIIT funding opportunities for SMEs.

The CLAMTEX Virtual Marketplace is part of the ClusterXchange program implemented by CLAMTEX with EU-TEXTILE2030 EEIG as host to foster cross-regional collaboration among cluster members.

Registrations is still open for the upcoming sessions:

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