HACKTEX – Innovative smart textiles & entrepreneurship
Program: Erasmus+
Participation of Tèxtils.CAT: Member. Consortium composed of 8 partners: CIAPE, University of Borås, CRE.THI.DEV, University of West Attica, TITERA, Intexter-UPC and University of Iaşi.
Start date: February 2022
End date: July 2024
Hacktex seeks to provide resilience, versatility and innovation for the European textile sector, approaching the gaps between academia and industry. It creates new opportunities for the textile sector connecting it with other businesses.
These objectives will be addressed through the design and testing of educational methodological tools in higher education institutions involved in the project, together with the investigation of intelligent textiles and their multiple applications. As a result, the project will produce varied innovative content related to intelligent textiles and their potential applications in medicine, automotive and aeronautics, sports, personal protection and construction and habitat, among others.
This content will follow an educational methodology designed to enable students, as future specialists in the textile sector, to explore new applications and textile products as well as to address possible barriers and limitations.
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