
A new project to promote sustainability in the textile sector has started

On 1st July, a new European project coordinated by AEI TÈXTILS was launched, with the final objective of promoting sustainability in the textile sector; the FLAREX project.

Through the study of products that confer flame retardant properties to textile materials, it is intended to reduce the use of toxic products, such as bromine, formaldehyde or antimony containing compounds, by proposing alternatives that are more environmentally sustainable and, at the same time, maintain the required level of flame retardant property.

FLAREX is co-funded by the LIFE + program of the European Commission, has a duration of 3 years and a budget of € 1,162,525.

In this project, AEI TÈXTILS coordinates a consortium formed by 6 partners: Leitat Technological Center and Institute of Advanced Chemistry of Catalonia (both members of AEI TÈXTILS), the Belgian technological center CENTEXBEL and the clusters: ATEVAL (Valencia, Spain), POINTEX (Piemonte, Italy) and CLUTEX (Czech Republic).

AEI TÈXTILS is already carrying out two other projects with the aim to promote sustainability in the textile sector: the European project MIDWOR-LIFE, also co-funded by the LIFE + program, which has the objective to reduce the impact on the environment, health and security of the products used as liquid repellents in the textile finishing processes and the PACTEX project, co-funded by the Waste Agency of Catalonia, in which, in collaboration with the Packaging Cluster, synergies are sought between companies of both clusters to foster among them the effective use of material resources by reducing industrial waste at source, reuse of products, improving recyclability and recovery of waste.
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