
FACTIVE publishes its second output


On December 2021, the FACTIVE partnership  finished its second output: the FACTIVE learning methodology.

AEI Tèxtils is a partner of this project. FACTIVE aims at enhancing the quality and relevance of the learning offer in Textile and Clothing VET training by developing an innovative learning approach to improve the level and the assessment of learners’ competences and matching the VET training quality to the modern, creative and innovative needs of the current Textile and Clothing industry in Europe.

The methodology developed consists of a collection of guidelines and proposals for teachers, to implement a flipped classroom model. The handbook details, among others, some key factors for the student engagement during the flipped classroom. It also contains literature about the flipped classroom model applied for textiles, some successful and alternative resources to implement within this learning methodology such as the gamification during the learning process, some classroom scenarios, and examples of different flipped classroom models according to the level of expertise of the teacher.

As a result, all those textile teachers all around Europe who want to upgrade and improve the from traditional lessons to a more dynamic and profitable way of learning for their students, will have available and for free this handbook on the FACTIVE website.

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