
Webinar “The value of internationalization with AEI Tèxtils”


On September 15, AEI Tèxtils will organize the webinar “The value of internationalization with AEI TÈXTILS” featuring international business opportunities and recent international experiences as success stories through the different projects the cluster is involved in.

The webinar is addressed to companies in the advanced textile materials sector in Catalonia. It will include a first section to present EU – TEXTILE2030 project’s previous experiences. The main objective of this project was to consolidate a European advanced textile materials world-class cluster in order to implement a joint international strategy that contributes to securing, strengthening and extending the competitiveness of European SMEs in the sector at an international level.

The second section will focus on international business opportunities of European projects led by AEI Tèxtils and the participation at TECHTEXTIL’22 trade fair:

  • GALACTICA – Smart Industrial Innovation as enabler to drive new value chains for textiles and aerospace.
  • CLAMTEX – Cluster management towards excellence in Advanced Manufacturing and Textile Industry.
  • TECHTEXTIL 2022 – Biannual trade fair on the sector in Frankfurt. Next edition will take place from 21st to 24th June 2022.

In the third section, post-COVID international opportunities will be presented such as ADMANTEX2i – Advanced Manufacturing and Advanced Textile Materials going international to strengthen resilience and to empower industrial recovery and TEXGLOBAL – European Innovative Textiles Go International: Innovative Global Value Chain Creation and Textile Global Markets Exploration, both ongoing European projects led by the cluster.

On the last section of the webinar, the EU SME Center (with whom the AEI Tèxtils signed a collaboration agreement last month) will present the different services it can offer to the cluster members to enter a market as attractive and unknown such as China. The aim of the collaboration agreement signed is to create synergies to support the cluster members interested in entering the Chinese market.

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