


xBUILD-EU – Cross-fertilization of industrial ecosystems in textile manufacturing and construction leveraging digital and advanced technologies to build up green and digital resilience in Europe

Program: SMP

Project Coordinator: Josep Casamada /

Participation of Tèxtils.CAT: Coordinator. Consortium composed by 5 partners: ATEVAL, Portuguese Textile Cluster (CITEVE), IDEAM (TUS), CCS

Start date: September 2022

End date: August 2025


xBUILD-EU aims facilitate cross-sectoral collaboration and cross-fertilization across textile, construction and advanced technologies as catalyst to deploy green solutions and a more digital that enable making building safer with smart safety wear and high performing materials, more energy efficient and green using sustainable textile materials and cross-fertilizing circular economy between construction and textile, eco designed, and connected using smart textiles and advanced technologies.

xBUILD-EU will launch 2 calls for proposals with a total 1.05M€ in funding for SMEs with the following vouchers:

  • xBUILD – Innovate: SME driven innovation project with 20k€ in lump-sum funding to develop and launch innovative products to market
  • xBUILD – Green and digital: SME consortia projects with 50k€ in lump-sum funding to test and pilot digital and green solutions.
  • xBUILD – Global: Single SME voucher with 25k€ in lump-sum to facilitate market access internationally, driving market assessment and participating in a third country business mission.

During the course of the project, several activities will be organized to foster cross-sectoral collaboration including training webinars and joint events.

More information:

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