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C/Colom, 15
E-08222 Terrassa

Tel.: +34 93 739 82 70
E-mail: director-ins@intexter.upc.edu

The Institute of Textile Research and Industrial Cooperation of Terrassa (INTEXTER) is an academic unit of the Polytechnic University of Catalonia (UPC) created in 1962, whose main objective is to promote research in the textile and related sectors, as well as industrial cooperation by carrying out testing services, surveys, standardization, homologation and certification works.

The Institute participates in R&D projects with local, state and European public funding or in agreements with private companies.

The training of researchers is another goal of the Institute and for this reason it is part of the academic direction of the interdepartmental Doctoral Program in Textile and Paper Engineering, as well as the Doctoral Program in Environmental Engineering, both at the UPC.

The Institute is a member of the Technological Innovation Center of the UPC (CIT-UPC), is recognized as a TECNIO Development Center of the Catalan Government’s Agency for Business Competitiveness and is part of the international Textile Transfer Network (TEXTRANET).

Experience in wastewater treatment from the textile industry and related sectors. Research and participation in several research projects on natural fibers such as organic cotton, hemp, jute, etc., as well as recycled chemical fibers. It also works on the use of textile fiber waste in composite materials for construction, insulation, obtaining recycled wire mesh or nonwovens from recycled fibers. It possesses pilot plants for water purification, dyeing, spinning, weaving and nonwovens.

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