
We present our new team


During the last months, AEI Tèxtils, the Catalan technical textile’ cluster, has notably increased its activity. This growth is due to the progressive incorporation of new members and to the new projects in execution by both its members and the cluster itself.

All those activities have propelled the need to adapt the required professional profiles to perform the cluster activities as well as to complement them with new profiles.

Currently, AEI Tèxtils comprise a team of 4 full-time collaborators and with diverse professional profiles to focus on contributing with their experience in technical textiles, on developing innovating activities, managing projects or on strategic reorientation processes:

  • Ariadna Detrell, PhD in Industrial Organization, as Cluster Manager.
  • Josep Casamada, MSc in Chemical Engineering and Innovation Management, as Project Manager.
  • Núria Campmany, Degree on Biotechnology, as Junior Project Manager.
  • David Gómez, Graduat en Ciència Política i en Gestió Pública, com a responsable de Desenvolupament Corporatiu.

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