
GALACTICA launches 8 Learning expeditions during Fall 2021


GALACTICA project, led by AEI Tèxtils, has opened the registration for the first four Learning expeditions involving the textile, aerospace, and advanced manufacturing sectors. Inter-cluster learning expeditions experiences will consist of cross-sectoral visits to industry-leading companies followed by innovation management coaching and workshops to facilitate cross-sectoral idea generation.

GALACTICA has prepared 8 Learning expeditions for cross-sectoral innovation in Aerospace, Textiles and Advanced Manufacturing Sectors to be held in Fall 2021.

This is an opportunity to visit, learn and listen to success stories from leading companies from different industrial sectors.

Inter-cluster learning expeditions experiences will foster cross-sectoral collaborations throughout visits to industry-leading companies (i.e. Airbus Composite manufacturing facilities, Lufthansa Technik among others) and top research facilities (German Aerospace Center (DLR), Fraunhofer IFAM, Polytechnic University of Catalonia (UPC), Polytechnic University of Valencia (UPV), LEITAT Technological Center, IRT Jules Verne, ZAL –Center for Aeronautical research, CATEC, CENTI…) followed by innovation management coaching and workshops to facilitate cross-sectoral idea generation (subject to change – the detailed agenda will be updated).

Inter-cluster mutual learning visits and innovation workshops will bring together the different sectors involved with the aim to reduce the silo-like sectoral boundaries fostering, the get-to-know on the operations in other sectors, the innovation mechanisms other used and seeding of cross-sectoral collaboration for innovation. This can lead to untapped opportunities that arise from crossings of the sectors, both in terms of technological cooperation and innovation such as development of new materials, processes and products, but also in terms of non-technological innovation such as the development of new business models, new marketing tools, management systems, processes, creativity tools and industrial design.

In order to facilitate the participation of SMEs and startups from textile, aerospace and advanced manufacturing, GALACTICA has opened today 4 calls for Expression of Interest to apply for a travel voucher.

To apply, please fill in your application before each individual deadline through GALACTICA’s Calls platform.

In early September, GALACTICA will open up registrations for the other 4 learning expeditions and the calls for EoIs to apply for travel vouchers.

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