
We present our annual report for 2020


AEI Tèxtils has launched its annual report for 2020.

The document includes a brief description of the cluster, the main activities carried out during the year, including the organization and participation at events, membership in other networks, projects led by the cluster, projects in which the cluster is involved, projects implemented by cluster members with the support of the cluster and communication activities.

This year’s edition includes a special chapter on the “Cluster activity during the pandemic caused by Covid-19”, which features news of the cluster and its members related on how all of them dealt with the crisis.

2020 Main highlights:

  • PROJECTS: Participation in the implementation of 13 projects (2 national and 11 European) together with other partners: companies, clusters, research centers, etc. We have prepared more than 30 project proposals from members and the cluster itself.
  • TRAINING: The staff of the cluster is continuously trained to keep abreast of industry trends and to meet the needs of its members.
  • MEMBERS: Increase of the number of members, expanding the representation of the advanced textile materials’ sector in Catalonia.
  • TEAM: The cluster has grown in staff with the aim of increasing the team efficiency, boosting its strategic ambition, and improving management capacity in achieving the cluster’s goals.
  • NETWORK: Increase our network of international contacts: clusters from other sectors, companies, research centers, etc. We are active members of the European Economic Interest Grouping EU-TEXTILE2030.
  • ORGANIZATION OF EVENTS: Organization of 15 events with multiple formats: international conferences, seminars, workshops, networking meetings, visits, etc.
  • PARTICIPATION IN EVENTS: Attendance at more than 60 international events of interest for our members related to advanced textile materials: exhibitions, conferences, seminars, etc. contributors of ideas, opportunities, and network.
  • VISIBILITY: Appearance in several national and international media, with more than 190 press impacts, 600 new followers on LinkedIn and 6,800 unique users on the website.

As main KPIs of the year we highlight the following:

  • 5,7 M€ in projects mobilized by the cluster.
  • More than 8.000 hours dedicated to promoting innovation.
  • 300.000€ in funding of members’ projects with the cluster support.
  • 5 professionals to provide support to the cluster members.
  • Collaboration with 12 European clusters.
  • Collaboration with 38 countries.
  • 10 presentations at international conferences.
  • More than 190 press impacts.

Considering the mentioned indicators, the cluster makes a positive assessment of 2020. Despite the serious global economic crisis in which the companies of the sector have also been involved, it has been possible for them to generate new opportunities.

Download the report

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