
We participated at the C2C meeting of the SAFE SMART FOOD project


On 8th September, the European consortium of the Safe Smart Food project, coordinated by the Packaging Cluster, within the COSME European Cluster Excellence  Programme, brought together different experts in project management for the transfer of knowledge between the entities involved. Experiences, opportunities, tips, and good practices for the achievement of excellence were shared during the conference.

Josep Casamada, Project Manager at AEI Tèxtils, participated in the session, explaining how the cluster has presented several proposals in the COSME program, which has a budget of 2.3 billion euros to support of SMEs and entrepreneurs.

Despite the fact that the ongoing projects are paralyzed due to the pandemic, he highlighted the benefits of carrying out international missions and strategic exchanges, where relationships are strengthened and lasting consortiums are generated, a culture of internationalization.

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