
Two cluster members participated at the GALACTICA expedition in Nantes to learn about the French advanced manufacturing ecosystem


An expedition of European SMEs, including two members of AEI Tèxtils, visited Nantes on November 15th and 16th to learn about the western France ecosystem on advanced manufacturing and Industry 4.0 within the framework of the European project GALACTICA, aimed at promoting innovation across the aerospace, textile and advanced manufacturing sectors.

EMC2 (Pôle Européen des Technologies de Fabrication), as GALACTICA partner, coordinated the visit, which is part of a series of 8 expeditions planned in the project to Valencia, Seville, and Barcelona/Terrassa (Spain), Athens (Greece), Prato (Italy), Nantes (France), Porto (Portugal) and Hamburg (Germany).

The participating SMEs have visited key companies and technology centers which focus on innovation around composites and materials such as Daher, IRT Jules Verne (Advanced Manufacturing Technology center), Airbus Nantes Technocenter and CETIM (Technical Center for Mechanical Industry). In addition, they met advanced technology companies dedicated to Industry 4.0 and attended to a cross-sectoral fertilization workshop.

CINPASA and TEXFIRE are the cluster members that have participated in the expedition, which they value very positively, since it has allowed them to learn on new technology with potential applications in the textile sector.

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