
Presentation of the publication "Tot Plegat" at CDMT


On 14th April, at Centre de Documentació i Museu Tèxtil de Terrassa (CDMT), member of AEI Tèxtils, the catalogue of the exhibition Tot Plegat. Un retrat de la Catalunya tèxtil recent was presented.
AEI Tèxtils and Leitat Technological Center have collaborated with the catalogue, as authors of the article: Innovation and development in the textile sector: current situation and future trends.
Tot plegat is an exhibition co-produced by CDMT and Arenys de Mar Museum as part of the Circuit of Textile and Fashion Museum in Catalonia, which aims to highlight the documentary value of industrial files (original designs, collections of samples, technical sheets, etc.), through which the development of the textile sector from the social, economic and technological point of view can be known. The exhibition is opened until 10th July at CDMT.
Access to the publication (it contains contents transation in English)

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